Sunday, August 4, 2013

Life Is A Journey...Not A Destination

There is a lot on my mind this morning (or afternoon!). I woke up to hear that something horrible had happened to one of my classmates from high school. He had been involved in a car accident and passed away. He wasn't just a classmate; Cody was a pretty close friend of mine. His passing got me thinking about something I wrote in my journal earlier this year about high school and life changing. I want to share this entry with you today and dedicate it to Cody. I hope you enjoy it and please, as always, be respectful.

"I don't think people realize, going into high school, how much you change as a person. Or how much others change. How much the world comes to meet you. Going into high school you don't realize that you will have to cope with loosing friends and finding who your true friends are. You don't expect classmates to kill themselves or pass away unexpectedly, become pregnant or get involved in dangerous drugs. Moreover, you definitely don't realize how much you change. To you, you're just the same person you've always been. But, then things happen that make you question who you are. 

It's then that you realize you aren't the 9th grade kid who entered high school. Over the course of 4 years you've learned more than just Algebra, AP English, History, etc. etc. etc. You've learned a hell of a lot about YOU! You've gone from being every form of fugly, to a cognizant, beautiful adult. You discover what's worth fighting for. You learn who/ what isn't worth another second of your time. You discover your passions and who you're passionate about as well, in an unexpected form! You finally open your eyes to the world around you and realize how beautiful, or in some cases ugly, it can be. Who will be there for you...and who won't.

It's strange to look back on freshman year and see how you didn't know any of this would happen, that you knew nothing about who you are. Hell, you still don't! But, you're getting there. You still don't know what the future holds. However, no matter how things turn out, you know you'll never forget how you got where you are or where you're going. Or the people who got you there. The teachers, family, friends, frenemies, loves lost or gained. If I was asked to go back to my freshman year to give myself advice; I wouldn't do it. If I did, the journey wouldn't be the same. I wouldn't be the same person. I wouldn't have to go through any of the things that got me where I am. I wouldn't have learned anything, I wouldn't have had the chance to really grow up. And that is all too necessary! These things had to happen to become the person I was meant to be. For better or worse, you must live for the journey not the destination."

Rest in peace, Cody! You lived your journey and reached your destination. I'm glad I got the chance to meet you along this journey and now that its come to a close I hope you're comforted by the fact that there are so many people in this town that care for, and love you.



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